RISE’s Athletic Department believes that competitive athletics are desirable as part of the overall educational program of the school. To achieve maximum effectiveness, the athletic program must be closely coordinated with the instructional program of the school. The welfare of the individual takes precedence over any other interest. Athletic participation promotes desirable attitudes toward the importance of team work/team unity, social growth and leadership of each individual, and preparation for the responsibilities of adult life. RISE encourages all interested students to try out for a team when interested. Prior to trying out for a team, the concussion form below must be completed on the DragonFly link listed below. Also, the sports physical form must be filled out and turned in to our Athletic Director, Coach Powell. If you have questions, she can be reached at athletics@risese.org.
- Athletic Handbook (English Only)
- Concussion Form (English Only)
- Sports Physical Form (English Only)
See our volleyball and soccer schedules here.